A Short Night Read

"Trust is lovely. Peace is beautiful. Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you, and He cares for your kids. Don’t worry over them. Pray over them. This will cause them to draw near. Worry sets them up to pull away."'

A little harsh, but straight to the truth of worry, motherhood and how together they just don't turn out pretty.  A good, quick read here.

Picture: my sweet Mama and a true woman of growing out of worry.  Thanks Mom!  I hope I can worry as little as you do someday. 


  1. I cannot tell you how timely your post is for me. Wow!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing it, I really needed to hear that tonight at the very moment I read it.

  2. Great reminder here. Thanks for sharing!

  3. have been thinking.... the truth... because you are the Mother of Three and soon to be FOUR sons...and a husband who is a pilot for the Navy, you have helped me to grow out of worry. Team effort and not always easy, but well worth the journey. I love you!


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