How I know We're in North Carolina, not Texas

1. It rained all day yesterday.  All. Day.
2. I see a mountain out the window.
3. It's a bit chilly in the morning.
4. We can walk outside, actually move around, and not sweat.
5. Let's face it, we don't see as many big obnoxious trucks.
6. I overheard locals complaining about the heat....talking, outside, in the sun, not sweating.
7. We actually go outside and stay outside, not just move to the next air conditioned location.
8. I am not getting sunburnt simply walking into the grocery store.
9. Saw some people having a campfire in the evening.
10. Bottom line: it's not so HOT.


  1. I know you are in North Carolina, because my heart is SO happy! :)


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