School with Little Boy

My favorite 4 year old!  He loves doing schoolwork.  This is where he hangs out every morning from about 8:30-9:30.  He reads.  He writes.  He counts.  He wants me to sit right next to him and watch.  It's such a privilege to watch your child grow, isn't it?  I'm looking forward to our second semester of school together.  When we're not doing formal school work, we're usually having car races together, doing art projects, playing in a band, riding scooters, or simply laughing.  Little Boy loves to laugh and make others laugh as well!



  1. I love his little feet dangling as he works. I love this guy! It is also a privilege to watch your grandchildren grow. Yes.

  2. They each learn so differently. What a delight to peel back the layers of L and see how he takes on the world, sans big bro.


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