
We are the owners of a pet bunny. His name is Rex. Rex lives in a big cage that one day will be even a bigger cage, because Rex will be bigger and therefore needs a bigger cage. Somehow, Rex is pregnant with small baby bunnies. Rex eats only carrots from HEB, our grocery store. B checks on Rex during the night and holds him first thing in the morning. Rex goes for rides on B's wagon. Rex does many family things with us....trick-or-treating, celebrates Christmas, and even rides in the car with us. But he does NOT ride in the 'big carrier truck with all our stuff' whenever we move next. Rex goes poopy lots, but only Mommy and Daddy clean that up.

Rex is not real.

Rex (thank goodness!) lives in the imagination of B's head.


  1. That boy is a genius!!! Hugs to all!

  2. ahhhh.... I love that boy! Can I please buy him Rex! :) You could have a doggie named Rex! :)
    Dad and I were reading about Rex..... trying to figure out why you didn't tell us about your new member of the family...... how cute!

  3. There are a lot of pros to having an imaginary pet Julie...they don't dig/chew up your carpet!


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