Our current situation

Yes, we are being effected by this.

Yes, we are okay.

Yes, my Mom is visiting AND extending her visit to help.

Yes, I am still VERY pregnant. I've currently grown out of all my maternity clothes and had to buy new ones this past weekend with mom. I'm measuring a whole month bigger than I should be. I try to tell people I get huge at the end and have big babies. Still...I get shocked looks (even from my doc) as I arrive at places.


  1. Thinking of you. I'm happy your mom is there, too. It makes me smile to think of you and your mom spending quality time together. -
    Wanted to thank you for the comments on my blog, jul. Such insight! You're supposed to be a math geek... ;-)

    Take it easy.

  2. 11Hey Julz....
    This Mom and Mamma needs to see a different "current situation" on the blog. Especially since it is my home page. :) I don't iike that a hurricane could even possibly get near you and your family... I love you WAY too much. So, How about some pictures of my recent visit! :) I am certain your Fan Club would love to see those pictures. :)))) You could post those. :))) I love you and am so happy that the Hurricane did not hit you and the Tornados stayed away! I also LOVE reading Erwins comments and blog! Hugs and BLessings
    Your Momma


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