The End.
I love writing. I write mostly to Jesus. I write and I write and I write. He listens. So well. And then He gently turns my fist-pumping confusion, questions, prayers for mercy, and praise for who He is amidst the darkness. He gently turns it all toward Him. About Him. And so I love writing. I hated grammar, English and Literature every single day of high school in college. I never finished one book and got poor grades in Writing. But at the age of 19, I met Jesus. He sought me out and opened my closed tight heart. I met Him and started writing in journals and haven't quit since. When I started having babies and going through the adventures of being a military wife, I started blogging. I was lonely. Never alone, just lonely. Whether it was a deployment, nap time, evenings all by myself, or a longing for intellectual thought outside of Little People....I began blogging. But now it has ended. My little, very small, part of blog world is coming to a close. I